10 Telltale Signs of a Dog Urinary Tract Infection 

 10 Telltale Signs of a Dog Urinary Tract Infection 

1. Dysuria: Dysuria is one of the dogs most common and earliest symptoms of a urinary tract infection. It is characterized by difficulty or pain with urination, usually accompanied by increased frequency and urgency. Dogs affected by dysuria may also strain more than usual before passing urine and even vocalize in pain. 

2. Tenesmus: Tenesmus is a symptom of UTI in dogs that involves straining to pass urine without success, as if the bladder has not emptied. This can sometimes be accompanied by a dog’s bloody urine or abdominal discomfort. 

3. Polyuria: Polyuria or excessive urination is another common sign of canine UTI, often caused by the bladder’s inability to store the amount of urine it produces during regular urination cycles due to inflammation or irritation of its lining. 

4. Hematuria: Hematuria is a clinical sign associated with UTI in dogs that indicates the presence of blood in the urine, which can range from barely noticeable to quite noticeable depending on its severity and cause. It is important to note that hematuria can also be caused by other conditions such as kidney stones, trauma, or cancer, so it should always be evaluated promptly by a veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

5. Pyuria: Pyuria refers to the presence of pus cells in the urine sample, which indicates that an infection such as cystitis (bladder inflammation) has occurred and needs appropriate medical attention soonest possible to avoid further complications such as kidney damage or abscess formation caused by bacteria spreading through the body via the bloodstream. 

6. Frequent Urination: As mentioned above, frequent urination (or pollakiuria) can be caused by UTI-related inflammation of the bladder lining and other underlying factors such as diabetes mellitus or Cushing’s disease. Thus, it should be evaluated promptly for proper diagnosis and timely treatment.  

7 Inappetence/Lethargy: Inappetence (decreased appetite) and lethargy are two additional symptoms commonly observed with canine UTIs due to their painful nature. Affected dogs may not want to eat due to abdominal discomfort associated with frequent attempts at passing urine unsuccessfully. At the same time, they might also appear less active than usual due to associated fatigue from straining too much during micturition attempts without success (tenesmus).   

8 Urine Odor Changes: Urine odor changes are another critical indicator associated with canine urinary tract infections due to the presence of bacteria-derived toxins they release while multiplying inside a dog’s bladder. Some pet owners have reported being able to detect a distinct “fishy” odor coming from their pet’s pee when affected this way. In contrast, others have noticed an unpleasant ammonia-like smell instead. Either way, these changes should never be ignored since they might indicate underlying bacterial growth needing prompt medical attention for proper resolution before further complications like kidney damage, for example. 

 9 Abnormal Urinations Postures/Straining: As mentioned above, tenesmus (straining without success) is one possible symptom of canine UTIs. Still, there are other postures dogs affected this way might adopt when attempting micturition, such as squatting over long periods times without being able to pass any liquid at all despite visible efforts being made; this kind of abnormal urination postures should never be ignored since they could potentially indicate underlying bacterial growth needing prompt medical attention soonest possible before further complications occur like a renal failure for example.   

 10 Increased Thirstiness: Increased thirstiness (polydipsia) can sometimes accompany canine UTIs due both dehydration caused by excessive water consumption required for proper flushing out bacteria-release toxins from inside the dog’s bladder plus diuretic effect. In addition, certain antibiotics used to treat the same type of infections tend to produce over time. Suppose your pet seems suddenly thirstier than usual. In that case, it might indicate an underlying condition requiring prompt medical attention as soon as possible before further complications, like chronic renal failure.  

Knowing how to detect early signs of urinary tract infections help improve the chances of successful treatment outcomes and better overall quality of life for your beloved furry companion, so always keep an eye out for any potential warning signals mentioned above. Then, take him to the vet immediately if you suspect something wrong.
