Top 7 Benefits of Using Online Lesson Planner

 Top 7 Benefits of Using Online Lesson Planner

Planning is a necessary part of everyday life, from getting up early in the morning for school to preparing for upcoming exams, everything requires proper planning and executing those plans to achieve desired goals. And when it comes to teaching students, lesson planning is an essential part of a teacher’s job.

Traditionally, teachers create lesson plans for every chapter and topic on their lesson planners manually, which they may share with students. But doing this in online classes becomes quite hectic, which is why teachers prefer to use the online lesson planner

An online lesson planner is a tool which helps in creating lesson plans for online classes, it helps the teachers to design and structure the map for online learning activities, virtually. It means instead of writing lesson plans on paper, teachers can create them virtually. 

Online lesson planners have several advantages, and in this article, we are going to discuss them. And you will get informed, why as a teacher and a school you should have an online lesson planning tool.      

Remote Accessibility: One of the biggest merits of using online lesson planners is that teachers get accessibility. Usually, teachers use school resources and information to do the work in the school. However, with online learning, they need to have access to school information remotely. Using school ERP teachers can get the information and create lesson plans from anywhere. This helps them to teach and work remotely.

Saves Time and Effort: Teachers know, that creating lesson plans is not an easy task, it requires time, research and lots of planning. They have to plan everything with precision and then write it down clearly. Using online lesson planner saves teachers time, yes they still need to plan but the effort of writing everything manually is cut short. With various lesson plan templates, available teachers just need to feed information into the system, in a few minutes.

Improved Efficiency: Online lesson planners help in improving the working efficiency of teachers. As it not only saves their time but also provides teachers with the merit of storing lesson plans in various formats. Using online lesson plans teachers can store files and learning resources in formats like PDFs, audio, video snippets etc. and organize them according to their use. This makes it easier for teachers to access any information within minutes, whenever they need and they can upload it on the LMS and timetable maker to coordinate lesson plans according to your teaching plans.

Easy Sharing: Using online lesson planners, teachers can not only create lesson plans from anywhere but share them too. After creating, editing and organizing digital lesson plans teachers can share them with the school administrators or students virtually. This makes it easier for them to coordinate with administrators and students, leading to the successful and timely achievement of academic goals as per the lesson plan created.

Customization: While writing lesson plans manually, teachers can make mistakes or after completing it, they might want to alter something, but it wouldn’t be possible without cutting and erasing. However, if teachers use online lesson planners, they can edit, delete or alter anything in the lesson plan, at whatever time they want. Even after completing and publishing the lesson plan, teachers can customize it according to changed plans. This gives a great deal of freedom to the teachers to create lesson plans according to learning activities.

Easy Content Outlining: The core reason for creating lesson plans is to create maps for future learning activities. Thus, teachers create lesson plans in bulk, on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. And each lesson plan contains the details of the contents that needed to be taught. Using online lesson planners, teachers can create such detailed and vast lesson plans easily, and feed every detail according to a different topic, lessons and units. Making the online teaching process much easier for them.

Track Progress: Lesson plans don’t just inform teachers about what to do and when to do it, but they also help them stay on track and measure their progress. Online lesson planners, track progress and inform teachers of lessons completed, and pending lessons to teach.   
